Sunday, May 29, 2016

Week 4

We have had a fun filled week. My kids are in HEAVEN with these puppies becoming full of personality and able to play. This week the puppies began their journey of solid food. We blend puppy chow with water to make a pablum type consistency. They have teeth, but they just barley popped through the gums, so they aren't much use for much yet. The two little men are the best eaters so far, and the two biggest guys are the worst. I'm guessing the big guys get the most milk! We are feeding them twice a day.

We have started potty training the puppies. We are using the MISTY METHOD. Google it to read more information on it. It really is amazing. These puppies are so smart, and have already figured out the idea. Tonight when I went to check on the puppies, there was not 1 poop on the towel/sleeping area. And they had all used the same corner. Makes life so much easier on everyone. So you can see in the pictures they now have a sleep area and an elimination area. we will slowly move the two areas farther apart, and add a play corner.

Okay, its getting late. I was going to be in bed 6 minutes ago, but the internet is slow, and took forever to upload these pictures. So here is picture over load. I will write out an email later this week with ideas on pick up dates and what supplies to have. And what food they will be on when they go home.

Here are your puppies 4 week photos!!

I have the cutest puppy holder helpers!
Puppy 1-Jerry

Jerry is our smallest, but BEST eater. He is a go getter when the food comes out. My little Brody has claimed this guy as his own. And Jerry is so easy going with Brody holding him. He is a quiet little pup.

Puppy 2- Scooby-Bo (kids can't agree on name yet.)

This little guy has become king of adventure this week. Still one of the quietest pups, and very easy going. But is a goer.  He got out of their pen this week, and I found him trying to eat Ladies food. Full of personality. He got to meet his new family this week, and it was so fun to watch! I love this job!

Puppy 3- Female

Anna has claimed this little girl (who we call Lola) as her favorite for the week. They switch regularly. Little Lola has become our little spit fire this week. She is so playful. We have had so many laughs watching her the past few days. She has a sense of adventure. I hope her new family is ready to explore with her!

Puppy 4- Female

This pup is our curliest pup at the moment.. We call her Lilac. She is so easy going and even loves to cuddle the baby chicks, as you'll see in a bit! She is a relaxed girl and will fall asleep in the middle of all the action. The other pups walk all over her, and chew on her ear, and she sleeps through it all.

Puppy 5

We still call this guy Chunky. He is a big suck! He loves to have his ears rubbed, and settles right in when picked up for cuddles. He is our biggest boy, and so gentle. Likes to play, but prefers to snuggle if given the choice. SO CUTE! Don't his eyes just melt you?

Puppy 6

We call this guy Rocky. He has become one of the playful pups this week. He is constantly trying to get the others to fight. And he has the cutest stance that I haven't been able to capture on camera yet. He is already getting into the attack/play stance with his front feet down, his head down, with his butt in the air. Tail is always going. And he has his long tail still, which the other puppies are discovering is fun to play with!

Puppy 7- Copper

This little man is developing a fun personality too. He is not the biggest, or the smallest. Just a ball of fun and fire. He has been a bit timid this week discovering new environments. When in their bed he is all over the place and loves to play. Out on the grass or out for feeding time, he is not so sure and is very cautious. I love his little face!

Puppies and Baby Chicks. Odd combination for Hunting dogs!

most of these pictures are with the chick and Lilac (4). She was fast asleep, and as I said, she lets life happen without waking. This chick was sitting on her head at one point. It was so Fun to watch.

Tried to fit all 7 pups into the bed. I couldn't succeed getting them lined up. They have grown a ton this week.

Lilac not impressed about being squished in the bed today. Moments after this picture she jumped out and went to sleep in a corner all stretched out by herself.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Don't Forget that you can follow us on instagram to see pictures throughout the week that I capture with my phone.  prairiespringers!!!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Feeding Time

This will help you feel Ladies pain!!

3 weeks old PART 2

I am including the names that the kids are calling the puppies. The kids seem to need a name to say. But obviously you can choose your own name now or when you get your puppy.
Puppy 1 : Jerry

Puppy 2 (Sparky)

Puppy 3 (Lola)

Puppy 4 (Lilac)

Puppy 5 (Moose)

Puppy 6 (Rocky)

Puppy 7 Copper