Sunday, June 12, 2016


The puppies are 6 weeks old. The time has flown by this spring. We are enjoying them, and not looking forward to saying goodbye.

One thing I would suggest when you come to get your puppy, is to bring a blanket to rub on Lady and let the puppies all play with for a few minutes to get their smell on it. It will help their transition.

In this weeks pictures the puppies look a bit dusty. That is not the cameras fault. They are dusty. These puppies play hard, and sleep hard. They are rolling and playing in rocks, dirt and grass. We will give them a bath before you come to pick them up. And maybe before if they get much dustier. 

They are all eating their food very well with it not blended, and just soaked in water. I do give them dry kibble after the soaked if they still act hungry. And they eat that fine too. But it takes them a long time, and they loose interest fast. They all have ADD at this point. 

We love to sit and watch them. We literally sit for hours with them throughout the day. And they LOVE people attention. They give us all kisses, and love to be held. These guys are ready to be in a home with families to give them lots of attention, and they will need it. We often say, they are so much like babies.

These pictures were taken after their dinner, and after we watched them play for a while. So most of them were very sleepy.

Puppy 1 Jerry

Boy #2 (Milo ?)

Puppy 3 (Lola)

Puppy 4 (Lilac)

Puppy 5 (Chunk)

Puppy 6 (Rocky)

Notice the progression of Rocky falling asleep during his pictures!

Puppy 7 Copper

Random Shots

After Lola finished attacking Levi, she settled on Top for a nap.

Levi sleeping with the pups.

The two girls settling down after their playing.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Mid Week Post

The puppies were so cute tonight, and I got to many pictures to put on instagram. I don't know how to post more than one at a time, and that gets annoying. So here are pictures from this evening. The puppies were full of Vim and Vinegar. So much energy and excitement. They tried to nurse off Tilley. She was not sure what to think about that.  Their little teeth are getting very sharp, and they are turning into typical ankle bitters. 

 Poor Lady. She is enduring to the end! 

She is self weaning the puppies. She did nurse them here spontaneously, but that is becoming a rare moment. They are all eating and growing REALLY well.

 These two were making a plan to escape!

 She would not stop chewing my toes, so I gave her my shoe.

 This is a guilty face if I have ever seen one. She just got finished trying to rip a hole in the blanket.

 Finally worn out

 Jerry loving the cool grass. It was a HOT day today for these little ones.

 Exploring her newly found freedom. 


Sunday, June 5, 2016

5 weeks

5 Weeks Old

These pups seem to grow by leaps and bounds over night. It really is amazing how fast they grow and develop. I think I have changed my mind, and decided that this is my favorite week. In a week they have gone from being fairly whinny when being on the grass and played with,  to absolutely LOVING it. They crawl into our laps when we sit with them, eat our toes and shoes, play with kids pony tails, and are starting to chase us when we walk around.

This week we have increased their feedings to 3 times a day. We get up and feed them at 6, then noon, and supper. Probably by the end of this week they will be eating  at 6, noon, 6 and bedtime. Lady is ready to be done nursing them. They get pretty aggressive by this age, but she is still laying with them a few times a day.

We have had an incredibly busy weekend, and I need to get ready for my week to start tomorrow. So here are the 5 week shots. They were all very sleepy while we were taking pictures today.



Puppy 2

Puppy 3

Puppy 4

Puppy 5

Puppy 6


As you can see in the following pictures, the puppies are well socialized!

Grandma turned 95 today. Got to hold a puppy for her birthday. p.s. dosent she look amazing for 95? We sure love her.

I love this picture. Shows the hands of an amazing women that has worked hard her whole life, holding a fresh puppy that is so silky and soft.
