Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Mid Week Post

The puppies were so cute tonight, and I got to many pictures to put on instagram. I don't know how to post more than one at a time, and that gets annoying. So here are pictures from this evening. The puppies were full of Vim and Vinegar. So much energy and excitement. They tried to nurse off Tilley. She was not sure what to think about that.  Their little teeth are getting very sharp, and they are turning into typical ankle bitters. 

 Poor Lady. She is enduring to the end! 

She is self weaning the puppies. She did nurse them here spontaneously, but that is becoming a rare moment. They are all eating and growing REALLY well.

 These two were making a plan to escape!

 She would not stop chewing my toes, so I gave her my shoe.

 This is a guilty face if I have ever seen one. She just got finished trying to rip a hole in the blanket.

 Finally worn out

 Jerry loving the cool grass. It was a HOT day today for these little ones.

 Exploring her newly found freedom. 


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