Thursday, May 25, 2017

6 Weeks

The puppies are continuing to grow by the minute. They seriously are bigger every day. And smarter. This week they have learned to use the doggy door, they are ankle bitters, and they are VERY social. In the morning when we feed them, they have to each have their morning scratch before they will eat. They are also very much into chewing, and playing with toys. So be prepared! I introduced them to pig ears this week, and they are loving that. Raw Hide is very hard on puppies digestive system, so we don't recommend it when they are so small.

Here are some pictures. Sorry for the short post, but we have a crazy busy schedule this week. Enjoy!


I love how his tongue is sticking out in this one.

Penny (puppy 2)

Lucy (pup 3)

I like this picture, just because it shows how big these guys are getting compared to my daughter

Emma (pup 4)

Pup 5

This girl is ALWAYS wiggly during her photo shoot.

Sims (Pup 6)

Bella (pup 7)

Here are some random shots from last night. It was raining like crazy, so we were playing in the garage. It is getting longer and longer to get them tired out. But we managed to get them sleepy before we settled them in for the night. These guys are tons of fun!


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