Monday, February 2, 2015

5 Weeks

5 Weeks

The puppies have had an eventful week this week. We moved them to the garage to give them a bit more room to run and play. They adjusted really well, and LOVE their new big bed. Its a Costco bed, and it took them no time at all to know what it was for.
I just upped their food intake to 3 times a day. They are also very pleased with that change.
They went outside for the first time and really enjoyed playing and fighting with the grass. They are getting such fun personalities and starting to try and act like dogs. But they are still pretty clumsy, so it is quiet entertaining to watch them.



Here are a few shots of them lined up and eating. I get all the bowls ready and then we open the kennel and guide them each to their own bowl. They are actually very good at staying put once they are eating. A few are a bit hungrier and faster than the others, so we have to stay right there to protect the more cautious eaters.


5 week pictures















We are having tons of fun with them at this stage, but they are sure a lot of work!

This is their bathroom area. They are so good now!


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