Monday, February 16, 2015

Saying Goodbye

7 Weeks

Can you find your puppy? I can name them all. This picture was taken at one day old. It is so amazing to see the difference time makes. It has been an adventure!

This post is a little different, as we have some pups posing with their new families for their 7 week pictures. We have some really lucky puppies, and we also have some really lucky families. I am so pleased with how the puppies have matched up with their families. It is/was very important to us to have our puppies go to homes that will love and care for these guys. We want our puppies to grow into excellent dogs, and companions. And we succeeded. We have met the most amazing people through this experience, and I have no doubt that all these pups will thrive in their new homes. And I also believe that all our pups are great dogs, and the families are lucky to have them in their homes.
Luckily we still have 2 girls left for a week or two more.
little Bolt left this morning, and I found these two cuddled together. We will enjoy them for a little longer, and they will be spoiled by the kids with cuddles and attention.

7 Week Pictures


Sadie was very sad to see Sherlock go. He captured her heart from the start. She claimed him, and spoiled him rotten.

Here is Sherlock with his new owner. I didn't get permission to list names, so I won't. He will be a happy boy!

Lucky and Crosbie

These two pups got to go home together. It was so much fun to feel the excitement of these kids (and parents). The puppies are already transitioning beautifully.
Playing before hitting the road!

Bolt (New name coming!)

It was so fun to finally meet this family. They travelled a long way to pick up Mr. Bolt. We can't wait to see pictures of their children meeting their puppy!


This little girl was our first to go home. She will be loved and cared for! My kids LOVED her new collar.



I woke Casey up to take her pictures this morning so I could do the blog. She was a little sleepy. And not to excited about learning to sit on a stool. She did it though, and was happily sleeping moments later.



Jayla was happy to sit and pose for me. She seems to like getting her pictures done, and she is so cute! She wouldn't stand for me to show how big she has gotten. But this week she took the lead as most aggressive eater. It has surprized me. She is so playful, and has LOVED the backyard experience while we have had such nice weather. At one point yesterday I looked out to see Tucker and Roxy play fighting, and Jayla and Casey play fighting in the exact same way just a few feet away. I couldn't get a video or picture, because as soon as they see or hear me, they all come running.

We will sure miss our little Fur friends. I think I will miss them the most, as I have done the most work with them. I'm glad we have just a bit longer with these two girls. It helps wean both me and Roxy!

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