Wednesday, January 28, 2015

new video

I just cant seem to capture how cute these guys are with pictures. Videos do a bit better, but real life is the ultimate. We are having so much fun with these guys. They are enjoying the outside world this afternoon, and have had lots of fun "attacking" the grass and leaves.

Monday, January 26, 2015

I tried to do a cute picture of puppies in a basket. Not very successful by myself. We will try when I have lots of helpers around!

                                          Four Weeks

Here are the pictures I got today. My children decided to play outside for the afternoon, as the weather here is amazing today. So I did the pictures alone, and it was actually easier than when they were 2 weeks old. I didn't think they turned out to great, but when I got them on the computer, they didn't look to bad.
I phoned and booked their first shots. They will be having them on Feb. 10th. They will also be dewormed then. I asked the vet the price of getting the pups Micro-chipped. It is $50.00 to have it done in Taber with their vaccinations. If you would like me to have your pup micro-chipped, the $50.00 will be over and above the price of the puppy. And I will need to know by Sunday Feb 8th if you would like it done.  You can have it done at any point by any vet, so it is not necessary to have it done now if you don't know if you want it done. It is the best way of identifying your dog if it gets lost or stolen.
This morning we started on feeding twice a day. They were  so loud during the night last night. I feed them at 6:00 this morning, and they were so happy. They have been so much more content today. I opened up another section to their kennel area. They now have a place to eliminate, a bed, and a toy area. So far they are not 100% at not peeing in the toy area, but they are not bad. I have high hopes for them.  We will expand their play area to fairly large once they are good at still peeing where they should be. They are getting bigger every day, and it won't be long that my kitchen just isn't big enough to provide a running zone for 7 puppies. 
Hope all is well, and here are the pictures from their 4 week old photoshoot. I have labeled their pictures with their names that I have gotten from most of you. Make sure the spelling is correct. If not let me know. If you haven't chosen a name, don't worry about it. I just have to name them to keep them straight.  You can name them when you get them, and they will not be confused!

Sherlock (LW Boy) 


Lucky (BW Boy #1)



Bolt (BW Boy #2)



Crosbie (LW Girl #1)


Rogue (LW girl #2)



Casey (LW Girl #3)



Jayla (BW Girl)



Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sorry, today was a very busy day. We had one puppy family come for a visit with their little pup, and we have kids heading for ski trips with the school tomorrow. So pictures did not get done today for 4 weeks. But I will hire my 5 year old to help me do the pictures tomorrow. They are growing so fast.
Tomorrow I will be upping their feedings to twice a day. I was going to do that for a week, and then increase to 3 times a day. By the time they go, they should be eating 4 times a day, and gradually work down to 2 larger meals a day. They acted STARVING tonight. We fed them a few hours earlier than before because they were not content after nursing. And they licked every crumb clean. I am still mixing the food so it is like mush, but a thicker mush than at the beginning, and they seem to really enjoy it. And no one has the runs (TMI) today. That makes my job so much easier. Roxy will naturally start weaning the pups in the next week or two. She is a great mom, but I can already see her starting to pull away slightly. The pups are extremely aggressive while nursing, and she looks totally miserable during the process. With their sharp little teeth, I can't imagine its much fun.
We are working on setting up an kennel area in our heated garage. They are almost climbing out of the whelping box, and they will need lots more space to run and play once all 7 puppies get about a week bigger. I'd say they are about half the weight they will be by the time you get to pick them up. Some are a bit smaller than others, but overall they are all pretty even.
My husband sat in the box with them today to try to calm them all down. They were all frantic about something this afternoon, and Roxy wasn't interested in being attacked at that moment. They all climbed in his lap and were very content. They are learning our voices and loving human contact.
Watch for pictures tomorrow!

Friday, January 23, 2015


I was going to wait until Sunday to do another post after I do their four week pictures. By the way, feel free to download pictures of your puppy if you feel so inclined. But these guys have been so fun this week, and have been so cute. It is hard not to share it all.

Brody (3 years old) LOVES when the kids are at school, because he gets the puppies mostly to himself.  Thursday he climbed in the puppies bed just after I finished cleaning it up for the day. And he ended up having multiple puppies climbing on him. He thought it was hilarious when they started licking his arms. They have been very much into licking this week.


After cuddling all the pups, he decided to cuddle up with Rogue with his blanket. They had a little rest together.

Sadie picked up Sherlock when he was crying the other day, and rocked him like a baby. He was completely relaxed and loving life.

This week they have taken to sleeping under their beds instead of in the beds. I often find the beds completely empty with all 7 pups squished between and behind the beds. They are usually upside down and in funny positions. It is very entertaining to see how and where they fall asleep. They will be playing, and instantly decide they are tired, find a corner and be asleep in moments.
They are also discovering our voices. I can call for them across the room, and 7 little heads pop up and look for me.

We began feeding this week. This is Casey (L and W girl #3) She was our most aggressive eater on the first day. She LOVED it. and then had a bath! The next picture is Bolt. He licked the plate clean, and was looking for more. 

 We also started introducing toys this week, as they are getting playful. I started by giving them a few of Tuckers toys. He was NOT okay with that. He promptly jumped in and took them back. So today we went to the store and picked up a few new toys for the puppies. Tonight I found him in the bed with the pups, stealing their toys. He LOVES toys. The funniest part, was all the pups tried to nurse off of him. He didn't know what to think. But was very patient with them, and then left all the toys there, except for the two balls. He just could not handle letting them have the balls.

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, January 22, 2015



Sorry no pictures tonight. I am heading to bed shortly. These pups have kept me very busy today, and I am sure it will only get busier in the days to come. I started feeding them puppy chow. Obviously they cannot handle the hard crunch yet. So I am blending the puppy chow into crumbs, and mixing it 2-1 with water. It comes out much like baby cereal. They all caught on instantly. Most had to have a face wash after feeding. I got a great picture of one that I will try to post this weekend. I feed them 1-2 pups at a time, to make sure they get their share and don't over eat. I am feeding them just once a day this week, but will up to twice a day next week. My time is busy. I am always in the kitchen either feeding pups, or kids. But we love it. Watching them wrestle together, and play with stuffies makes it so worth the effort. They are so stinkin cute! After I changed all their bedding this morning, my 3 year old climbed in their bed with them. He had 3-4 pups climb on his lap and cuddle up. He was in heaven. Especially when they started licking him. They will be very well socialized with kids by the time they get adopted.
It is supposed to be very warm here this weekend. Half of our grass in the front is clear of snow. It is supposed to be 22 on Monday. Which seems crazy for the end of January. But I'm not complaining. I plan on introducing the pups to the outside world if the weather forecast holds true.
Stay tuned for pictures. My kids are off schoold tomorrow, and we have basketball most of the day Saturday. So I am not sure I will get them posted till late Saturday or sunday.
Good night!

Monday, January 19, 2015

3 weeks

Week 3- starting Sunday Jan 18th,2015

This has been a very fun week. They have gone from crawling along to almost running. They all have their eyes wide open, and are enjoying play fighting with each other. I started with the Misty Method on Friday of last week. They are doing amazing. This morning I changed and cleaned the entire bed and potty area while the pups were sleeping in a laundry basket. When I put them back, I woke them and put them in their little home, and every one of them peed in the correct area. This may seem like a small deal, but for me it is huge. Cleaning up after 7 pups is much easier when they all eliminate in the same area. It should also make house training easier.

I did not weigh the pups this week. My scale is to small, and the pups are getting to squirmy. But they are all growing well. They all have their baby teeth in, and my kids are really starting to enjoy them. My daughter said this morning that this is her new favorite stage. They are awake and fun to watch, but still really cuddly when we hold them. Here are their 3 week pictures.
For those families adopting puppies that would like to visit your pup, you are welcome anytime. They are getting so fun, and love the socialization.


Sherlock- Sold


Lucky-Black and white male #1- SOLD



Bolt- Black and White #2-SOLD



Pebbles-Liver and White Girl #1- Sale Pending



Rogue-Liver and white Girl #2-SOLD


Bonita-Liver and White Girl #3-SOLD


Jayla-Black and white Girl- SOLD


Friday, January 16, 2015

This is their home. They are enjoying the new bed. Roxy even tries to get in it with them.
Here us our addition added to the box for a potty area. They are catching on really quick. I am so excited about this. It will make my life so much easier for the next few weeks, till these little guys are adopted.

puppies at 2.5 weeks

New Bed

Today we set up a new bed arrangement for the puppies. We are attempting to start house training them based on the misty method. So far we have had great success. So keep your fingers crossed. It's a simple concept. You set up distinct areas for sleeping and "doing their business". Once their smell is established where we want it, they basically train themselves. So far so good. Tim is going to build me an extension to the whelping box tonight to help make more defined areas.
We had the puppies out for a play date with the kids today, and they were very fun. The following pictures were taken with my cell phone, so they are not super clear. But my real camera was dead at the time.
This is Lucky and Bonita (BW Boy 1 and LW girl 3)

This is Jayla, Lucky and Sandy


Jayla (on top)

Snuggled in the new bed.
It's not going to last very long. Good thing I got two.