Thursday, January 22, 2015



Sorry no pictures tonight. I am heading to bed shortly. These pups have kept me very busy today, and I am sure it will only get busier in the days to come. I started feeding them puppy chow. Obviously they cannot handle the hard crunch yet. So I am blending the puppy chow into crumbs, and mixing it 2-1 with water. It comes out much like baby cereal. They all caught on instantly. Most had to have a face wash after feeding. I got a great picture of one that I will try to post this weekend. I feed them 1-2 pups at a time, to make sure they get their share and don't over eat. I am feeding them just once a day this week, but will up to twice a day next week. My time is busy. I am always in the kitchen either feeding pups, or kids. But we love it. Watching them wrestle together, and play with stuffies makes it so worth the effort. They are so stinkin cute! After I changed all their bedding this morning, my 3 year old climbed in their bed with them. He had 3-4 pups climb on his lap and cuddle up. He was in heaven. Especially when they started licking him. They will be very well socialized with kids by the time they get adopted.
It is supposed to be very warm here this weekend. Half of our grass in the front is clear of snow. It is supposed to be 22 on Monday. Which seems crazy for the end of January. But I'm not complaining. I plan on introducing the pups to the outside world if the weather forecast holds true.
Stay tuned for pictures. My kids are off schoold tomorrow, and we have basketball most of the day Saturday. So I am not sure I will get them posted till late Saturday or sunday.
Good night!

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