Friday, January 16, 2015


New Bed

Today we set up a new bed arrangement for the puppies. We are attempting to start house training them based on the misty method. So far we have had great success. So keep your fingers crossed. It's a simple concept. You set up distinct areas for sleeping and "doing their business". Once their smell is established where we want it, they basically train themselves. So far so good. Tim is going to build me an extension to the whelping box tonight to help make more defined areas.
We had the puppies out for a play date with the kids today, and they were very fun. The following pictures were taken with my cell phone, so they are not super clear. But my real camera was dead at the time.
This is Lucky and Bonita (BW Boy 1 and LW girl 3)

This is Jayla, Lucky and Sandy


Jayla (on top)

Snuggled in the new bed.
It's not going to last very long. Good thing I got two.

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