Friday, January 23, 2015


I was going to wait until Sunday to do another post after I do their four week pictures. By the way, feel free to download pictures of your puppy if you feel so inclined. But these guys have been so fun this week, and have been so cute. It is hard not to share it all.

Brody (3 years old) LOVES when the kids are at school, because he gets the puppies mostly to himself.  Thursday he climbed in the puppies bed just after I finished cleaning it up for the day. And he ended up having multiple puppies climbing on him. He thought it was hilarious when they started licking his arms. They have been very much into licking this week.


After cuddling all the pups, he decided to cuddle up with Rogue with his blanket. They had a little rest together.

Sadie picked up Sherlock when he was crying the other day, and rocked him like a baby. He was completely relaxed and loving life.

This week they have taken to sleeping under their beds instead of in the beds. I often find the beds completely empty with all 7 pups squished between and behind the beds. They are usually upside down and in funny positions. It is very entertaining to see how and where they fall asleep. They will be playing, and instantly decide they are tired, find a corner and be asleep in moments.
They are also discovering our voices. I can call for them across the room, and 7 little heads pop up and look for me.

We began feeding this week. This is Casey (L and W girl #3) She was our most aggressive eater on the first day. She LOVED it. and then had a bath! The next picture is Bolt. He licked the plate clean, and was looking for more. 

 We also started introducing toys this week, as they are getting playful. I started by giving them a few of Tuckers toys. He was NOT okay with that. He promptly jumped in and took them back. So today we went to the store and picked up a few new toys for the puppies. Tonight I found him in the bed with the pups, stealing their toys. He LOVES toys. The funniest part, was all the pups tried to nurse off of him. He didn't know what to think. But was very patient with them, and then left all the toys there, except for the two balls. He just could not handle letting them have the balls.

Have a good weekend!

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